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Hey! Welcome to Downtown Dayton Growth.

We'll be writing informative articles about some new and upcoming businesses in the Dayton area. We hope you enjoy!​

Meet the Team

Valencia Bruno

Valencia Bruno is 29 years old, From Dayton Ohio. She is studying Multimedia Journalism. Her interests are reading, writing, sewing, running, and taking naps. 


Chris Scharf

Chris Scharf is a 26 year old Sinclair student who will graduate this fall. As a communication major, he enjoys learning about how we socialize and send messages to one another. Among his personal interests he enjoys fire dancing, playing video games, and playing with his cat, Dr. Edward Sapir.

Ibrahim Coulibaly

Ibrahim Coulibaly is a 24-year-old Sinclair College student in digital marketing and communication. Originally from the Ivory Coast in West Africa, he is a recipient of the prestigious Community College Initiative Program (CCIP) scholarship, funded by the U.S. Department of State. This opportunity has allowed him to pursue his academic interests in the United States and expand his skill set in a dynamic and diverse environment. He is particularly interested in social media marketing, journalism, and English language learning & teaching.


Breanna Gambill

Breanna Gambill 21 years old. She is from Dayton, Ohio and she is currently studying Multimedia Journalism. Her personal interests include Playing vidoegames, reading, and playing flute and piccolo.

Davis Miller

Davis is a 22 year old Sinclair student from Cincinnati. He is currently working towards a degree in multimedia journalism. He has a passion for sports and history, and enjoys learning and sharing knowledge.

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